06 December, 2006

New JASS out

This month we have a focus on American health.If you are wondering about JASS' highlighting of American reproductive health, then reflect on the fact that the US spends more on health than the GNP of most developing countries. Their pharma behemoths dictate where drug research spending is directed - on which much of the rest of the world depends. Their administration's stance on drugs is vital - especially in women's health, but let's hope their moral lead is not one we all have to follow.

Our own government's policies on contraception, abortion, HIV, violence against women and obesity are all issues that directly affect our practice. We seem less and less able to influence political dictates which is leading to frustration and lowered morale.

It is good that the journals are speaking out for the profession rather than siding with our political masters.

There are practical summaries too. What to do about cord blood collection, acute uterine bleeding in gynaecology and postpartum, as well as facts to support our patients who wish to eat fish - and stay slim!